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Preparing for a crisis

Visit Sunshine Coast (VSC) recognises there are many issues – natural and man-made – which at any time could adversely impact the reputation of the region and have a devastating effect on local businesses and the local economy. VSC advises Sunshine Coast tourism businesses to prepare for natural disasters and other crises and is committed supporting our industry to recover.

1. Preparation

There are significant local resources available to help prepare and respond to crisis events:

In addition, the following websites have a huge range of information and helpful tips:

Helping your guests prepare:

2. During a crisis

Monitor official sources of information:

3. Recovery

When a crisis occurs, the immediate priority is to link businesses to recovery assistance and restore visitation to the Sunshine Coast. The long-term focus is on re-strengthening the brand and building business resilience and capability.

  • Click here to view the Queensland Government’s current natural disaster assistance programs.
  • Click here to view details of the Queensland Government’s Immediate Industry Recovery Package to help manage the impacts of coronavirus.
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